Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Library 2.0

While the concept of Library 2.0 is interesting and it is good to have two way communication between the library and its users and to be responsive to their needs, there is a danger in allowing clients to totally direct the nature and content of the service or the content of collections and services. As educators, our role traditionally has been to lead and direct and impart knowledge and wisdom to students, based on superior learning and adult experience. This role should be acknowledged and respected. Some current library scenarios which have been directed by the clients represent a lowering of standards and show a disregard for the welfare of others- allowing students to eat and drink with no regard to cleanliness and consideration of others, permitting loud inappropriate converations on mobile phones in public places, encouraging library users to sprawl on lounge chairs and ottomans...Our responses to the demands of library clients need to closely considered and measured.

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