Sunday, February 10, 2008

24 Hour Megaswim

Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system affecting more young adult Australians than any other neurological condition. Your donation will help to minimise the impact of multiple sclerosis on all individuals affected by the disease by allowing us to offer a wide range of assistance, in the form of Scholarships and Financial assistance for home improvements, vehicle modifications and equipment.
So, here's how we went.
After 24 hours we had swum a total of 83km, soundly beating the other 30 teams (the next closest was 1.1km behind) and guaranteeing we'd require physiotherapy for the next four weeks.
My personal distance was 6.3km.
It was, of course, worth it. Over $160,000 was raised by the teams, a brilliant effort, all very proud. Thanks so much for your contribution.
Now, as for next year...
Your support is greatly appreciated.

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