Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Kart00 is one of a number of search engines that uses pictures rather than text to display the relationships between retrieved internet sites. The search results are displayed visually using “peaks’- the bolder ones indicating the relative importance of the results retrieved. The mapped sites and topics are also listed in the navigation bar on the left hand side of the screen. A red triangular marker also appears on the screen allowing you to search on the site or pull up related sites. Contour lines also establish links between topics. The intention of Kart00 is to combine the power of both the logical and creative aspects of the brain. Using this search approach appears to take longer, and tends to bring to prominence unusual and peripheral aspects of a search topic.
Since serious research is approached through rational, logical analysis, a search engine that logically ranks results according to relevance would appear to be more beneficial. Kart00 however offers more entertainment value.

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