Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The past catches up with you...

I was quite surprised to find this reference to one of my former lives while browsing on the web...

112. The Tyger.
(Brisbane, Tony Woodyatt, [1976]) 2 nos.
The Tyger was a short-lived Brisbane literary periodical which published poetry and prose and had reviews of art exhibitions as well as essays. Tony Woodyatt was a Brisbane law clerk and Queensland University student who mixed in Brisbane’s avant-garde literary and artistic set of the time. As well as editing The Tyger and arranging exhibitions of artists such as Gordon Turnbull, now at Swinburne University in Melbourne, Tony also made an experimental movie in 1976.

It is from a 1999 catalogue of an exhibition at Monash from their Rare Book Collection "Modern Australian Poetry" curated by Richard Overell.

Tony, who is an old friend, had the radical idea of sending his periodical randomly to people in Brisbane selected from the phone book, which resulted in some indignant and hostile recipients.

Tony is now coordinator of the Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House. He has been prominently involved in public policy and legal work in Queensland since 1976 - as a lawyer for the Aboriginal Legal Service, Executive Director of the Queensland Police Review , Director of the Caxton Legal Service, Director of the Parliamentary Criminal Justice Committee which was established after the Fitzgerald Inquiry and has also worked for the Prisoners Legal Service.

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