Monday, October 3, 2011

Hilary Austen Artistry Unleashed

Dr. Hilary Austen is an adjunct professor and member of the dean’s advisory board of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. Cofounder of Catalyst Consulting Team in Santa Cruz, California, she has worked with such clients as Monitor Group, Oracle Corporation, Stanford University’s Intelligent Systems Lab, Shell Oil, Proctor & Gamble, Lockheed Martin, and Merck Pharmaceutical. Dr. Austen also cofounded the Brain Integration Center in San Diego, which offered programs in personal development, art, communication, and learning based on brain research.

Up until now we have been familiar with artists applying their qualitative intelligence to art works such as paintings, but this is narrow view. She argues that we should be cultivating those skills and applying them to new areas such as social problems, business models, logisitics, processes within organizations. This is seen as an opportunity for any design student to stretch their abilities beyond creating design objects.

Her book is well worth reading:

Artistry unleashed : a guide to pursuing great performance in work and life

Hilary Austen
Toronto : University of Toronto Press c2010

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